INTRO/Thesis Non-Violence worked/not work for ____ and ____ because….
ex. They gained respect from the world by showing that their ideas were right, and they remained nonviolent no matter what challenge came their way.
ex. Add a quote about nonviolence-----------------------------------------
1. Topic Sentence: Three + conditions that were common in all three countries were…
2. Topic Sentence: Biographical information about --------and ------ ; education, ideas, and goals……
ex. Gandhi and Mandela were both lawyers who were willing to go to jail.
3. Topic Sentence: -----and -----both protested using nonviolence. They were willing to go to jail for their cause….2 examples each
1.A 2 Important Events
2.B 2 important events
4. Topic Sentence: Explain the idea of nonviolence. Use two quotes to Explain and include two pictures/events from --------- and-----that show this belief in nonviolence.
1.A Gandhi
2.B King or Mandela
CONCLUSION: As these leaders show us, Non violence is/is not an effective way to create change. It is necessary when…. Non violent protest becomes a violent when…. I would/not participate in nonviolent protest because…
One thing I feel strongly about is….
*Satyagraha—to conquer by conversion
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