Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday CLasswork ; HW for Thursday (if you were on field trip you will be expected to have this all completed)

Tuesdays Classwork:  Review/copy  Rise of A Dictator:  econ failure, hope, unemployment, looking for a new leader, wanted a change, promises, self esteem for Germany, end of the Versailles Treaty
Paths to War: 
534:  Copy the summary of  Hitlers Vision…
¢Create a pure land, Aryan Race
¢German superiority/ master race,
¢end democracy and communism,
¢retaking lands lost in WWI,
¢dictatorship, rule world, 
¢reclaim German pride/raise self esteem of country,
¢end depression/inflation,
¢employ germans,
¢youth camps supported him
¢controlled information; no TV, controlled the newspapers
¢Conquer the Soviet Union, send Germans to populate the land, use Slavic people as slaves 
CW:  How do the poster and picture reflect a totalitarian or fascist state? 
¢CW/HW:  P. 536-7 Germany’s Path…to War  (appeasement)
¢Bullet point and explain:   aryan, population, Czechoslovakia, soviet union,  Treaty of Versailles, military, Rhineland, Great Britain (england), appeasement 
HW for Thursday: 537 Identify the new alliances on p. 537.  Why did Mussolini join forces with Hitler?  How did Hitler force Austria to become annexed to Germany? 
How did Hitler manage to invade and occupy part of Czechoslovakia?  Explain why the Munich Conference decided to appease Hitler.
Explain the quote:  PEACE FOR OUR TIME.

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