Friday, May 30, 2014

outline for final exam

Explain the causes of the Cold War from both sides.  Which side has a stronger argument for its point of view.  Make an argument and Cite evidence and quotes from the text or speeches.  
Introduction: CAUSES: cold war; Soviet Union vs USA; distrust; worried about world domination; Competition and conflict
¢2. Spheres of influence: Iron Curtain; Soviets led by Stalin wanted the Iron Curtain to protect from future invasions (like in WW2); no free elections in eastern europe;
¢Opposing views increased fear
¢Military Factors; CAUSES: no disarmament after WW2; competed for military technology and superiority; Arms Race (Space Race)
¢Ideology; CAUSES:  democracy, capitalism, individualism, personal rights vs. socialism or government control of economy (command economy)  and rights
¢3.  Explain each: Doc 1.  Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech; ‘shadow has fallen; the iron curtain ( loss of rights, freedom of movement; right to vote) concerned about Soviet control of Eastern Europe; peril to Christianity; control by Moscow
¢Perspective:  Communism will threaten or dominate the Christian World
¢Explain:  Doc 2 Stalins Response;  Russia helped defeat Hitler; for safety;  protect from another invasion like WW2; these are peaceful aspirations; not expansionist for world domination
¢Perspective:  Russia is protecting itself from military invasion; peaceful measure.
¢4.  Stronger Argument?  Cite evidence; quotes.
¢5   conclusion

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