Wednesday, February 18, 2015

repost Russian Rev DBQ documents for paragraph writing; and, text Homework

Document 2:
“I am not yet ready to be Tsar. I know nothing of the business of ruling.”
-Nicholas II

Document 3:
“His character is the source of all our misfortunes. His outstanding weakness is a lack of willpower.” Sergei Witte

Document 4:
Kerensky, the leader of the government that took over from the Czar in 1917 said in his memoirs, Crucifixion of Liberty in 1934;

"The daily work of a monarch he found intolerably boring. He could not stand listening long or seriously to ministers' reports, or reading them."

Document 5:

Telegram dispatched by the Serbian Crown Prince, Alexander, to Russian Czar Tsar Nicholas II in the midst of the so-called July Crisis of 1914. 
Yesterday the Austro-Hungarian Government presented to the Serbian Government a note about the murders at Sarajevo. Ever since this horrible crime was committed Serbia has condemned it.  We are willing to investigate the plot and we will severely punish any Serbians who are found to be involved. But, the demands from Austria-Hungary are unnecessarily humiliating for Serbia. However, they say we must agree to all of them in forty-eight hours or Austria-Hungary is threatening us with war. We are prepared to accept some of the conditions but we need more time and the
Austro-Hungarian army is already preparing for war.  We are unable to defend ourselves and we beg your Majesty to help us. The friendship which your Majesty has always shown toward Serbia gives us confidence that our appeal to your noble heart will be answered.”
-          CROWN PRINCE ALEXANDER Belgrade, July 24 1914

Document 6:
On 12 March 1917 Rodzianko, the President of the Duma, telegraphed the Tsar:
The situation is getting worse.   Something has to be done immediately. Tomorrow is too late. The last hour has struck. The future of the country and the royal family is being decided.”  

Putting it all Together:

1.  In one well written paragraph (topic sentence, 4 middle sentences, conclusion, transitions) answer this question:
Based upon these sources, what is the cause of the Russian Revolution? Support with 4 pieces of evidence and cite them.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Exam; please note the requirement for #1-4, and #40. Others are T/F

1.Make a Timeline and Name 6 important ancient civilizations and provide general dates or centuries of their existence.  (India, Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt)
2.Make a Timeline and Provide approximate dates for:  English Revolution, Enlightenment, French Revolution, Industrial revolution
3.List and explain 3 important skills of ‘Thinking Like an Historian”.
4.List and explain 6 historical themes in World History.  P. 49
5.Ethics is the study of making humane, fair choices or decisions.  Right and wrong.
6.Morals the high standards of behavior Greeks and Romans expected from citizens.  Some are based on the Bible.
7.General will
10.tyranny, democracy,
12.Hammurabi’s code was a fair but cruel system of laws.
13.The caste system in India allowed people to rise from one social class to another.
14.Being a citizen in Greece did not include direct democracy.
15.John Locke argued that rights of the people had to be balanced with rights of kings.
16.A Republic necessarily requires direct democracy.
17.The Magna Carta protected the rights and promised justice for all citizens.
18.Oliver Cromwell used military rule to remove the King and change England.
19.English Bill of Rights was not influenced by the Magna Carta.
20.Divine right was a policy that supported the concept of Imperialism.
21.Enlightenment was based on scientific reasoning.
22.Social Contract theory was written by Voltaire and Rousseau.
23.The Enlightenment inspired the English Revolution.
24.The 3 estates had equal representation at the National Convention.
25.The Fall of the Bastille was in response to the soldiers sent onto the streets in Paris by King Louis.
26.The Declaration of Rights of Man was agreed upon by King Louis.
27.“Liberty, equality, fraternity! Was a slogan embraced by all of France during the Revolution.
28.The March to Versailles is an example of ‘the right to overthrow’ a tyrannical government
29.King Louis and Marie Antoinette were beheaded for trying to escape to Prussia.
30.Reign of Terror was not the plan of Robespierre since he was also beheaded.
31.Napoleon: was a liberator for equality in Europe but ultimately an egotistical tyrant.
32.The  Industrial was in the 1800’s and originated in America.
33.The major imperialist nations in Africa were Belgium, England, France, and Spain.
34.Imperialism benefited African nations because it brought education, trains, and democracy.
35.Gandhi is known for the INC, nonviolent resistance, and embracing Indian culture.
36.Nelson Mandela was known as the Great Soul because he survived 21 years in
37.Indigenous is a term that could be applied to Native Americans.
38.Exploitation of humans and natural resources was a characteristic of all imperialist countries.
39.Social Darwinism was an unscientific theory to justify imperialism.
40.Make a Timeline and Date:  Gandhi is born      I Have a Dream Speech    King is assassinated  1880 Imperialism begins       Martin Luther King is Born   India gains Independence  South Africa gains independenceMandela is

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Capitalism vs. Socialism....see next page for Final Test topics

¢Define Capitalism:  a free market (no government control) determines winners and losers,  property is private, an individual (not the government)  is responsible for improving his status through his own hard work, private individuals own companies for profit, 
¢Socialism: inequality is bad for society and the government should create programs that benefit the poor (schools, healthcare, social security, tax the rich);

Friday, May 30, 2014

outline for final exam

Explain the causes of the Cold War from both sides.  Which side has a stronger argument for its point of view.  Make an argument and Cite evidence and quotes from the text or speeches.  
Introduction: CAUSES: cold war; Soviet Union vs USA; distrust; worried about world domination; Competition and conflict
¢2. Spheres of influence: Iron Curtain; Soviets led by Stalin wanted the Iron Curtain to protect from future invasions (like in WW2); no free elections in eastern europe;
¢Opposing views increased fear
¢Military Factors; CAUSES: no disarmament after WW2; competed for military technology and superiority; Arms Race (Space Race)
¢Ideology; CAUSES:  democracy, capitalism, individualism, personal rights vs. socialism or government control of economy (command economy)  and rights
¢3.  Explain each: Doc 1.  Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech; ‘shadow has fallen; the iron curtain ( loss of rights, freedom of movement; right to vote) concerned about Soviet control of Eastern Europe; peril to Christianity; control by Moscow
¢Perspective:  Communism will threaten or dominate the Christian World
¢Explain:  Doc 2 Stalins Response;  Russia helped defeat Hitler; for safety;  protect from another invasion like WW2; these are peaceful aspirations; not expansionist for world domination
¢Perspective:  Russia is protecting itself from military invasion; peaceful measure.
¢4.  Stronger Argument?  Cite evidence; quotes.
¢5   conclusion

Friday, May 23, 2014

If you dropped the bomb....what would you write to your wife????

HW:  How did the Atomic bomb change history? If you were the pilot that dropped the bomb….how would you feel?  If you were the pilot, write a letter to your wife about your mission and what you did.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bombing Civilians in a time of in Syria, etc.

HW:  Read p. 562-3; 
Describe the bombing of civilians in London, England and Dresden, Germany. What was the damage and deaths in each city?  What was the ‘blitz’   
How does this compare to Hiroshima and Nagasaki?   
Describe the reasons for Truman’s decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Answer Reading Check