Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Imperialism Test thursday!! Study guide; part 1 is open text; part 2 is not!

IMPERIALISM TEST: 2014  World History Study Guide
Part 1.  OPEN BOOK 
Time LINE: Date these events:
a. 1880 Imperialism begins… b. Gandhi is born      c. Salt March   d. Martin Luther King is Born   e. India gains Independence    f. Lunch Counter Protests  g.I Have a Dream Speech  h. King is assassinated
¢b.Use Text/ Geography – see map  on p. 344--identify 3 English and 3 French colonies;
¢c/ Use text:  What other European countries divided up Africa?  List 3
¢d. See text:  What were 3 examples of countries under imperialism fighting back? Rebellion, protest, etc 
Part 2/
  1. 1.What were 2 pros of Imperialism?
  2. 2.What were 2 cons of Imperialism?
  3. 3.What were the goals of Gandhi?
  4. 4.What were the goals of Mandela?
  5. 5.What were the negative effects of English Rule in India
  6. 6.What 3 factors made nonviolence successful?
  7. 7.imperialism,
  8. 8.annex
  9. 9.indigenous
  10. 10.Exploit
  11. 11.Darwinism
  12. 12.Explain Social Darwinism.  How was it used to support Imperialism?
  13. 13.Explain:  White man’s burden” – explain and give 3 examples
  14. 14.Write a quote on Nonviolence:  Who said it? explain what it means…

Friday, February 21, 2014

Start your ESSAY!! Complete Introduction and paragraph 1 and 2.

INTRO/Thesis  Non-Violence worked/not work for ____ and ____ because….
ex.  They  gained respect from the world by showing that their ideas were right,  and they remained nonviolent no matter what challenge came their way. 
ex. Add a quote about nonviolence----------------------------------------- 
1.  Topic Sentence:  Three + conditions that were common in all three countries were…
2. Topic Sentence:  Biographical information about --------and ------ ; education, ideas, and goals……
ex. Gandhi and Mandela were both  lawyers who were willing to go to jail.
3. Topic Sentence:  -----and -----both protested using nonviolence.  They were willing to go to jail for their cause….2 examples each
1.A  2 Important Events 
2.B  2 important events 
3.4. Topic Sentence:  Explain the idea of nonviolence. Use two quotes to Explain and include two pictures/events from --------- and-----that show this belief in nonviolence.
1.A Gandhi
2.B King or Mandela 
CONCLUSION:  As these leaders show us, Non violence is/is not an effective way to create change.  It is necessary when….  Non violent protest becomes a violent when….     I would/not participate in nonviolent protest because…
One thing I feel strongly about is….
*Satyagraha—to conquer by conversion

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Complete photo assignment; leaders of nonviolence

complete ranking of top nonviolent photographs

complete reading and notes on 2 of 3 nonviolent leaders
only column 1-3;  we will look at documents tomorrow

Friday, February 14, 2014

Leaders of nonviolent resistance....Gandhi, Mandela, King...

HW: define:  nonviolent resistance;
p. 358  What do you think Martin Luther King learned from Gandhi??  How do you think the work of Gandhi and Martin Luther King contributed to the election of Barack Obama? 
¢HW: Read p. 683 Read and Identify 6 key events in this brief history of Nelson Mandela.  Then, write into your own description of his rise from prison to president.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gandhi: GREAT SOUL!! *note to per. 7 absentees

¢HW: Read p. 358    Describe the Indian National Congress and its 3 goals.—
Choose 6 key facts about Gandhi and then summarize in a paragraph.
Make sure you have your Advertisement nicely  completed on white paper! 

Look at the atlas in your text;p. 69 find India; list the countries that border India
¢Read p. 356-7
¢Make a T Chart and list the Benefits and Costs of British Rule in India;
Write a summary statement arguing there were more Benefits or Costs

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The White and Black Man's Burden.....two poems

¢HW Read  Each poem on p. 346
¢As you read The White Man’s Burden; list words that describe africa.
¢As you read the Black Man’s Burden list the results of white colonization of Africa. 
¢Answer #1,2

Monday, February 10, 2014

Imperialism, Conflict, Rebellion

¢HW:  Read p. 347  Explain the conflict between the Dutch and English in S. Africa.
¢What were the beliefs of the Boers?  Explain their conflict with the Zulus.
¢What did Cecil Rhodes believe about his mission in Africa? 
¢Read p. 349 How did some African leaders feel about Western Culture?  What was hypocritical about the European rule?  What were the differences between how the Africans lived and how the Europeans lived? What was the result of these differences?  What was the ANC?  What was its purpose?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Who was telling the truth? How would CNN report the Clash in the Congo on the River?

Write a 30 second sound bite for CNN for Stanley Livingstone?  A 30
Sec Sound Byte for King Mojimba.
….newscaster:  Today, there was a clash on the Congo between King Mojimbo and Henry Stanley….
HW:  Read  350-353
p. 351- What were Livingstone’s goals?
Livingstone called Africa an “open sore”.  What did he mean?  What did this show about his feelings?
How was he different from other explorers?
    p. 352 – What were Livingstone’s hardships? 
p. 353 – What countries border Lake Tanganyika?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Survival of the Fittest?

Classwork  Tuesday:  Identify Each Picture. 331, 334, 340, 341—Who What Where?  Whose land?  Who were the ‘imperialists’? does it show us about the nature of  imperialism (the imperialists and the natives)
What pictures or titles show how the natives responded? 
¢HW for Thursday: Livingstone in Africa p. 334
lHow did Livingstone describe Africa?
lHow did Livingstone say England could bring
Civilization to Africa?
Define; Darwinism; social darwinism
Complete Vocab: p. 335; indigenous

Monday, February 3, 2014

Write your Procon Essay!! Due Tuesday for period 1, Wednesday for Per. 7

Write a 5 paragraph essay using procon.org

¢Intro:   Revolutions in technology bring improvements and create problems..
¢Thesis:  The Digital Revolution has or has not created more progress than harm.
1.1.  3 Positives of the Industrial and Digital Revolution.
2.2.  3 Negatives of Industrial and Digital revolution 
3.3.  The Issue Today:  Pro 
4. 4.  The Issue Today: Con
5.Conclusion:  I have proven that ___________.  The Digital Revolution brings improvement/or harm.......